No, no ... my name Alöx. Yes, still. I told you already that I would not hide my identity. Either way, you would not listen to me? Yes, this was just her proposal. Just, as if you were not in my word. Whatever, Doherty! HEAR YOU!
When I woke up this morning, nothing seemed as before. No sun for example, which appeared in my window. Accordingly, my mind: heavy and cumbersome, and I have at the dimensions to my wonderful drink-scented bed fled and would not come out. after 2 minutes of clock-gedössel I rackelte on me and gave way. must be done today! If this is not an excuse to leave the dimension and other worlds to be seen. speed dialing, no qual: chocolate cereal vitalisTM, Alpine Country Swiss muesli with no added sugar or nestlé trio? according to my calculation was number one in the series - Runtergeschlungen with 100ml milk - balanced, not quit. 15 minute bike ride to my new workplace: bakery jürgens on the 13th floor dimension. hörnle, alkali croissant, croissant or whole wheat croissant? Yes. Please. Must be something else's? Still good Sunday!
The integrated crack distinctive thoughts came only after the trip. how can I do quickly as possible, without feeling pain? an overdose of pills? The danger would be to survive, not too big? And it was all but already clear, if not written down. I would resort to old strength: the hungry. the fact that my life to change forever would. now anyway, everything was no matter, I had lost, nothing left to lose. my mind was: todhungern, from now on, forever! I have no strength to fight, not the will to live. no motivation.
Ryan grabbed Nancy and pressed it to the wall. "Where have spent the last night?" To let the view of his take eyes, "how could you leave me back here alone? You know how much I need you. You know how much I suffer with you, even if I hear your excuses, no more. " suck worse gritzelfutz, a small step back. "Let me rest in!" No one knows what I need. I myself will not desire, I'm not even desirable. I would like to crawl into a bed and not get up. each option would be to live I prefer simple as that. it can take off my last no one. Ryan - you drive a hard bargain.