Katog nutrition
Do what the body says one.
The issue was - why does the body a little? With the belief that biological processes have a beginning, a Räison why they operate the way they do, we have to turn everything in his footsteps.
Who does not know - this fool around in the apartment had to be after the noon meal, the feeling of something "sweet" - best now - here and the same, it may need something be quite specific, that he needs right now. Coffee, Knoppers, Milka chocolate, Nussini - maybe just what made it even days in advance to be has?
fat metabolism - glucose metabolism
here just two keywords, which represent just that.
It is us by the company, not infrequently, no, to be exact, at every turn, by law after the nutrition education and counseling section, at any fitness advice from the doctor - you can see them hanging everywhere , the "food pyramid" which we suggest what we and most of all we should eat often, we have to, - to achieve something. Well, what exactly? Pear-apple type - the topic I already had. Of course, as I could just remember ... the ideal figure! Ortho Normal BMI, the law of existence, just as we are about, and under normal weight. Because our individual thinking is not encouraged, but is imposed on us a lot more on every corner, what we do, how we should do it and what the benefits of it for the "community" is - social instruments huh take care of us be what we know - schools, kindergartens, education - fernan of nature and humanity. This vibrant, real life, far from any freedom that we were once given by the course, when we were stark naked through the woods hunted for us to serve our food. What sense lies behind us now, highly chemically gequeutscht greatly from certain substances known to eat carbohydrates? Inspired by literature and personal responsibility, I go so now with this experiment to test how it may be because, completely free of sugar, or to live away from all unnecessary sugar. As hard as this will probably not be! A sugar-addicted zombie who need chocolate after every meal for his well-being? Mind you, chocolate with hydrogenated fats, suchtügmachenden substances that are anything but natural. Sugar zombies! What do because we now to our happiness? Chocolate? ! An enrichment for every Without it, it's not - just to mention a prime example. But, as we call it when we fall literally into a hole, we feel totally weakened, runs after eating our internal heating on full blast, we no longer have our circuit under control. I call it diabetes.
Life without bread? inconceivable to many!
But not for me - I've done this at least. Thinking back, to be precise, way back. First, the level of "no Handy have exceeded "- yes, much more! Globalization is not a concept, nor electronics. We live in the countryside, where we "came from" once. From what the man has fed on this time? In fact, fat and protein. Meat, vegetable fats, fish. Excludes fat and protein with a much lower carbohydrate content than today. Lifestyle diseases, where you at because if you please? High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, Crohn's disease, stress, depression - hello? you at that time someone has used?
Apparently no ...
for the people of the Eskimo, for example, was not clearly be of such diseases, to the western society, Canada, the United States began to integrate and "civilize" to say to make today's Neonzombies who we are. Since then, the Eskimos from certain white born a numerous cluster, no, even the first appearance of the so-called diseases! Just Scandinavia, countries that were later seized from agriculture and therefore saw no need to transform flour, starch and sugar in food.
Why change now?
Is not it obvious that certain countries ease of disease were when they still lived in carbohydrates? If the source of our health not always been in the food we eat? I think yes. Therefore: try. Only the self-test shows you what is right. Let's go! Convenience against health? No thanks!
Helpful literature on the topic:
Wolfgang Lutz - Life without bread
Monika Lenz and Christopher Ray - We have the Fettsein thick, we have the hunger sick of Vilhjalmur Stefansson
- My Life With The Eskimo
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