Easter just around the corner and not only our children but many adults are already very eager to paint Easter eggs and Easter baskets to tinker. In Germany, Easter is traditionally celebrated with hidden Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, a Osterzopf, some places, the Easter fire and decorated Easter gardens - and it is next Pentecost and Christmas, the most important festival in the church year. Here you can find information about it.
The Easter Bunny
The rabbit is the animal of the love goddess Aphrodite, and the Germanic Earth Goddess Holda. He is not only a messenger of the gods, he is also - as the egg - a sign of life and fertility.
rabbits get very many boys in the spring, that is, they give life. Did people used the rabbit mothers with their young, they knew that winter was over.
In Byzantium was the bunny in animal imagery as a symbol of Christ.
Everyone knows him as the bearer of Easter eggs, according to which children search for the cheerfulness of the adults so eager. But not always the Easter Bunny hid the eggs. Only in the last century of the egg-laying bunny was totally unknown in some parts of Germany.
By 16 Century brought the Easter eggs of various animals. In some regions, came the fox and the cock, in others the stork, cuckoo, the crane or the grouse, to hide the Easter eggs.
The first evidence for the Easter bunny come from the year 1678 by Georg Franck, Franckenau, a medical professor from Heidelberg.
Why does the Easter Bunny the Easter eggs?
The rabbit comes in the spring also increased in search for food in the villages and gardens. And because of his behavior to be in the vicinity of people, he was probably sitting the eggs be sealed.
From old records from Zurich, the Easter Bunny is a bearer of the eggs produced as follows:
It is the sponsor of the custom was to invite children to hunt with them the Easter Bunny, that is, the hidden eggs in the garden looking for. The colorful eggs were thereby attributed to the Easter Bunny because he was much faster than the hens, and could not put this colorful eggs. This custom is thus more representative of the emergency declaration of adults towards children assign, as the Easter Bunny was more credible than the bearer of the eggs than the hens.
Thus came together probably in the course of time the Easter bunny and Easter eggs. Today, he brings in his Kiepe the colorfully painted eggs and sweets.
There is also speculation, the Easter Bunny was more by accident of Osterbote become. The attempt of the bakery, an Easter lamb made of dough to bake, have finally looked more like a bunny ...
canThe date of Easter, a reference to the Easter Bunny. The festival is celebrated on the first Sunday of the spring full moon and the hare is the moon animal
It is also narrated that the Holy Thursday was a deadline for payment and interest rate debt. The creditor often pays with eggs and hares. Another Überliferung states that the debtor for payment of his debts is a free man who has been compared to a rabbit that is not chased by a dog is.
The Easter
Easter is the oldest and next Pentecost, it is the most important festival of Christendom. Its roots lie in the Jewish Passover (Passover) festival. The German word "Easter" derives from the Indo-European word for "dawn" from. The Easter season begins with the Os-terminal ends tomorrow and 50 days later with Pentecost.
until 3 Century, Easter was celebrated as a holiday, in 3rd Century, then the week before Holy Week, as preparation reitungszeit- for Lent, in the 4th Century introduced the "three holy days" of Holy Thursday evening to Easter Sunday morning as the climax of the liturgical year.
The 1 Council of Nicaea determined that Easter Sunday on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon is celebrated after the equinox. It follows that the Easter Sunday after the current Gregorian calendar in the West earlier than 22 March latest, on 25-possible April is taking place. The Orthodox churches calculate Easter under the Julian calendar (=> Calendar Resources), the Gregorian against our back now lags by 13 days. According to the Orthodox Easter tradition may also not be celebrated before or together with the Jewish Passover. Therefore, Orthodox and Western churches celebrate Easter on different Sundays, usually.
is a traditional Orthodox and Catholic churches, increasingly, in Protestant, celebrated the Easter Vigil . The liturgy of the Easter Vigil is traditionally divided into four parts: The
light celebration, in addition to the "Hallelujah" ring of light as the most important component. Most participants will receive the service already at the church entrance a candle is then lit from the "Easter Candle". Occasionally, even a real "Easter" kindled. Such fires have already been practiced in pagan times: you tried to fire this spring, the sun magically pull on the earth. The first Christian Easter, it was around 750 in France, since 11 Century, they are common in Germany. Even flames wheels let you roll down hills. Today, the Easter candle is central to the Easter Vigil. The first mention of an Easter candle 384 in Piacenca in a letter from Jerome. Not later than 417 used They Pope Zosimus in Rome. In the 10th Century, established the paschal candle and they burn throughout the Easter period until Pentecost. Thereafter, the candle placed next to the baptismal font and burns at baptisms.
baptism or Tauferneuerung : The 4th Century, the Easter Vigil, the great Taufnacht the church, was built by the connection of Easter and baptism. In the Catholic church, the priest consecrates the water of baptism on Easter night for the whole year. The believers take the holy water home with them, these should be at home as well as protect their homes from disaster.
The Eucharist: Eucharist - from Greek ευχαριστειν, "you say - makes present the salvific death of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic, the Orthodox and the Anglican Church the celebration of the meal after first call Cor 11, 24 Eucharist, the Protestant churches speak of "Last Supper" after Mark 14, 17 and 1 Corinthians 11, 23 - (Supper) as a celebration of certainty the presence of the Risen Christ.
A partial indulgence is granted to that creditor-lived, of his Taufver-law-chen after a designated formula renewed; this happens during the celebration of the anniversary of the baptism Qsternacht or so, a plenary indulgence can be obtained.
The lamb - or a young goat - is a symbol of vulnerability to wild animals, the surgeons, and the butcher, it is the classic animal sacrifice in the Old Testament. Even Jesus Christ is called the Lamb, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" (Gospel of John 1, 29). In Christian antiquity put one lamb at the altar. It was consecrated and consumed at the resurrection as the first meal. In the 12th
Century were first ordained proven eggs. Eggs have always been considered a symbol of fertility and in the Middle Ages they were important as currency. They were the symbol of the resurrection of Christ, because his resurrection from the grave hatching of the chicks was compared from the shell. Besides eggs soon, ham, milk products and bread were brought to the consecration. They wanted to end the long fasting period with the consumption of consecrated food worthy. In the 13th
First century painted Easter eggs be mentioned. After the fasting rules of the consumption of eggs was forbidden during Holy Week, the hens laid still, the eggs were stored, on Easter morning was then of egg consumption is particularly high. It was decided to collect this "Holy Week eggs" to paint and leave to dedicate to distinguish them from ordinary eggs. A coloring of the eggs is covered in 1615 by a master craftsman in Strasbourg, the elaborate decoration of eggs was most common in Eastern Europe.
Protestant families developed in the 17th Century, the Easter Bunny as egg suppliers, first mentioned in 1680 in Alsace by physician Georg Franck von Frankenau. He should paint hiding the eggs and place. Thus the Protestants wanted to distance themselves from the Catholics, whose customs Fast eggs and they refused ordination. The Easter bunny is a symbol of Easter and new life because of its fertility - especially in the spring - and because he sleeps with his eyes open. Even the cock brought in some places the eggs in Switzerland, the cuckoo, in Westphalia, the fox, the stork in Thuringia. in Ansbach, Bavaria in 1757 was supposed to be a egg-laying rabbit caught and written about it purely protocol. Only in the 19th Century could be the Easter Bunny prevail everywhere.
From Poland comes the custom of blessing food . On Holy Saturday, or at the end of the Easter Vigil celebration be blessed in Catholic and some Orthodox churches, food, the faithful have brought in baskets and are then eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday in the family.
Bauernregeln: . "Easter brings rain meager fare, / Easter sun, fat and plentiful"
. "If it rains on Easter and on the wings, / so it rains every Sunday to Pentecost"
"If & rsquo ;.'s Easter rains, the earth all summer thirsty "
" The wind, which ruled from Easter to Pentecost, / in the whole year lost little "
" If. .. Easter falls on Georgi / expects great sorrow the world "
" Easter in March promises to be a good bread year "is
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