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Recently we were with our car at the Grand Canyon . This is not just around the corner, but if you live on this continent already, you should also make the effort to know him better learn. Canadians have less interest. They fly to Orlando for a week, riding the shuttle bus to Disney and the U.S. claim they know. So we go with our 9-year old car, it is 5 times broken, and Kentucky, the Smoky Mountains, Chattanooga, St. Louis, Kansas City, according to Colorado to the Grand Canyon. Since we have scoured everything, we knew it already, but for our children, who are now 11 and 8, is nothing to us so much. Now we are "the only one place to live, Nova Scotia, the place, as the natives assure us always. This was also the reason why we, on previous trips have never seen a license plate from Nova Scotia. Well, at the entrance of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon Park, the park ranger checked my Eagle Pass me a year granted access to all National Parks for a real bargain price.
He said, "A car number from Nova Scotia I have not seen in the past 30 years." The show often surprised people on our car, some have real trouble yet categorized Nova Scotia geographically correct. Later, when we land on Salt Lake City and the Yellowstone Park on Devils Tower , we meet Bernie Harberts . He moves on foot with a mule across America. About 2 years. Even he is amazed: "I did not think the ever have in Nova Scotia cars." We are nearly as admired as he and his mule. And we attracted a total of 18 000 km ride four bikes and a Zodiac boat on the roof and the engine to the trunk already attention. The people are happy that we show interest in their country and we take no resentment. One is interested to hear how we think about America, the Iraq war and Bush. We say a lot of real and friendly, but also some critical. We criticize the decoupling of the dollar from the gold standard and the Housing Bubble. We say anything bad about Bush, do indeed have all the other Germans and it would be boring. Amazing amount of people we agree. And the gold standard, lo and behold, almost all have heard before. There is often stimulating, long conversations, and sometimes we exchange business cards. Back in Nova Scotia
ask some neighbors to our trip. We give some keywords and of course we tell about the mileage and the 33 hotel bills, the natural wonders and experiences. "Good for you ...." If the Answer in most cases. Demands are not. We are taking it, not particularly important, yet one would expect additional questions, we would in any case ask. "Was not it boring for the children," for example. Or: "Which national park because you like best" or "What lakes or rivers have you got to navigate your boat?" Nothing. No demands. No curiosity. No further interest. "Good for you?" With a more highly becoming Schlenker in his voice. We well know, it was good for us.
So new items into the daily lives of Nova Scotia. Real friends invite us, our lobster Sharri and Milton, and our friends from Montreal, Mark and Maureen. Their interest goes on, they even look at our pictures. Milton feels constrained by the government. Constantly there's new rules, most are limitations. Milton has the risk, but of free enterprise can be no question. has acquired Then we hear of a lobster in 1957, his lobster license. 25 cents he paid for it. Now offer him other fishermen 675 000 (!) Dollars. He decided against the offer and gives the license to his son.
with Mark, who just finished his doctorate (PhD) in Montreal, wrote in "Management in Non-profit organizations," I discuss my views on unnecessary intellectuals, paid a state-caste of therapists, social scientists, migration experts and other "important" parasites. I also tell him that I think NGO's for state-dependent and corrupt, and we cut social spending by 90 percent should. I say this because everything applies to it and wants to lure him from the reserve. A friendship must endure what so and so can insult I've always been good. Mark is very quiet and says: "I agree a hundred percent. This is also my opinion. Even if I live or will live like this. But if we do that, then get the black and the white rednecks out her gun and we have a civil war. Welfare state makes lazy. And they love their laziness, "I'm flabbergasted. I had not expected.
A few days later, I want a silver ring that I bought in Wyoming, with a Silversmith for my fingers can fit wide. He has his business in Lunenburg, no less than 30 km away and says "for he needed a week". ONE WEEK! To a ring-wide! That is 2 times to Lunenburg, round-trip that is just 120 km. My other ring in Durango extended a silversmith in an hour, while I still went shopping a bit. But Nova Scotia gives you the special feeling - of waiting. Here's yet no one has needed to try to help customers.
In America now, Housing Bubble and hundreds of thousands of people losing their homes. The first banks collapse and the dollar crisis spills to Europe. The euro is strong whatever that also might mean in this artificial currency. The petrol is more expensive. Most people drive less, at least in Europe. In the USA we had on this long journey often totally empty streets. Not so in Nova Scotia. On the neighboring property rented a car for 4 days a dealer. He brings to 80 cars per truck and sold in these 4 days, about 50 of them. They are between 2 and 3 years old. All, without exception, all the cars are high-volume gas-guzzlers, small cars, there are not any. The dealer is the business satisfied. He earns about 1,000 dollars a car. After 4 days, the nightmare is over. I only wonder that apparently no one bothers. Not about the future, or for fuel. Happy Nova Scotia. Happy Nova Scotia?
Our neighbor is the biggest farmer in the area. Always a diligent and active man, the thing I like most: His Farm tipptop is in order. No dirt corners, everything tidy, clean and clear. It is primarily a vegetable farm. Wonderfully fresh cucumbers, cabbages, cauliflower, garlic, Squash, Pumpkins, strawberries, raspberries and melons. Behind our house is the largest and, with 150 years, oldest Preisselbeerfeld. Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries you can pick own way. Then they are half the price. His son is 13, one year older than our Alexander. Both are friends, Matthew, is the name of the farmer's offspring, a true farmer's son. With dedication, he is driving the lawn tractor that maintains its own small garden and helps in its own market. I take it often now as an example to our children to explain what are the duties.
Brooke comes. She is also 11 and Alexander's classmate. It is the only child of what times to come alone with our children to play. She has a little less anxious parents other than the children. Brooke is happy and she is always authentic and friendly. It is a distinct outdoor Child, inside she gets bored quickly. At 5 brings her father from her. He explained to me the following situation: the wife of his colleagues is a substitute - a teacher. They are a substitute teacher but must have an education. Of these, exist in each school's number, the teachers are allegedly not otherwise clear. How did this merely to our Time made? If the substitute teacher, a former "real" teacher who wants to earn after you retire to something, he gets $ 250 a day. One can say that the teachers and their unions have provided excellent in itself. That is why they are so overwhelmed that they organize every last day of the month an In-Service Day. All children remain at home and teacher discuss the "strategy" of the next month. A all day long and actually during school hours. The parents, most go to work so may meanwhile see where they keep their brats. I have no problems so yes, but when I face the mother of Alexander's classmates Sage express my admiration and notice that something like this in Europe and whether it was really necessary, it swears that were exposed to the overload of the teachers, this day is absolutely necessary.
I think of my grandfather who was a teacher Gymnasium. In-Service Day? He would turn in his grave. So we are back where life begins and ends in Nova Scotia: The state regulates and pays. State employees are glad to have such a country and have organized. And where there are people who work hard, whether as fishermen or farmers, are constantly invented new rules.
If you is not from something?
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