Today is apparently the day of decisions, at least, has lashed much to my satisfaction. First, it is now clear that the Russich-AG launched and I for the conduct of these are paid at 15 € / h should. Of course I'm talking about my approach before starting with Fr.E. On Friday evening, I may in the auditorium at the welcoming party of the 5th Classes perform my part in Russian. A self-penned poem greeting (see below) and of course a few explanatory words plus translation of the whole. This raises the question of the choice of clothes - but this time I later ...
On Saturday I am presenting to the Arts Book Fair and the evening including my works. E., J. and I'll meet first in the city, then we'll see more, so much to do so.
On Thursday, I get the text for my theater role - and I'm already excited.
Latin is written and evaluated - unsatisfactory - not cave bad, but very unsatisfactory. = (How was that again with 15 NP
Phuuu ... So, chemistry lecture is pending - I'm not here and transparency pens muss mich mit dem begnügen was da ist. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob ich bereits im Stadium des Workaholic-Seins angekommen bin?
So far - herzallerliebst, eure Ginella
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