toller_art @ 2007-08-30T23: 50:00
wieso will und kann man mich nicht verstehen ? anstatt mir hilfe anzubieten, werde ich zur selbstzerstörung verdonnert. alles fing mit einem harmlosen schlechten gewissen an - ein pain, the stabbing and repeatedly struck at me, which fell to pinch a haunting sound to me.
had what can I do?
alone I can not make it. this criteria I set myself ahead of itself. no, not at all, and hypocritical. without a fight this is probably the right word, bingo: abandoned. the battery is empty, the batteries sold out and returned beyond repair. where can I find a cloud, a cloud in this dark sky, which takes me to and from all these thoughts in isolation. my little fluffy clouds that I am against all these evil thoughts and keep flash-effusion, even if they rarely occurring but also a positive creative . Act
in any other world I would be happier in any other body with any other mind free and creative. how much freedom may cost? how much I will be allowed to sacrifice for my ideas? a small mountain, surrounded by many other small mountains, which all seem so big compared to me. isolated, left alone, lonely. no, not the typical symptoms of depression for my art, but only a few adjectives that make its presentation to appear lighter. even these small crises compel me to share ideas, solve me from letting go. help me, nothing - so I feel the current stand. no positive cable, no emergency exit stairs or in any other world.
irony of fate!
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