A travel diary
Wed Sept 29th, 2010 - Thurs Oct 7th, 2010
Written by Robin unruly
for www.rebellogblog.com / dev
Erinnern Sie sich noch an Philipp Jenninger ? a) not unsympathetic man, b) as a politician, he had no skeletons in the closet, c) he was certainly no Nazi . If the democratic elections of his constituency and his performance there watching (agreement 50.1% of the primary vote) he can not have been so unpopular . And yet it excited the Journaille wanted to deliberately misunderstand when he enthusiasm for Hitler and National Socialism with the word "fascinating " said. It must Hitler and the Nazi's, the Germans have fascinated they do indeed still , and, as a substitute religion "officially" kept alive, they will have to continue to fascinate. will make sure their successors, the Greens and the Left already that they will remain "Faszinosen" each receive the liturgical rules and rituals follows: sorry if not.
we hold so firmly, the Nazi's have fascinated . Understanding the mechanisms themselves in a kind of self-experimentation , the fascinations of a mass fascist organization suspend, too, was one of the reasons for our visit to North Korea . Instead of mantra-like empty words of disgust parrot, so how anti-fascism "is taught in German schools , we found it better for our children (and us) to enjoy the experience of fascination and himself watching to understand why mass spectacle and major sporting events and so much targeted by dictatorships of all political colorations be used. And why they fascinate. First of all: The DPRK there's tip, I can not imagine a greater perfection in the Olympics of 1936.
Yes, I admit it: we had this fascination, the Arirang Mass Games in first May Stadium in Pyongyang "kill". ( largest stadium in the world!) We have only this evening 1860 photos shot and we had even considered whether we go for a second time . Sure, we have prepared the verbal. We, we can get information on travel and books. But how are people who, whether in Nazi Germany or, as here are cut in a weltabgeschotteten system of information, creating a critical consciousness ? How to win a distance to the system? How is one of the young people, which is the join an award require, as of the of deprivation and hard work of citizens accustomed of such a cast in ideological forms of the country?
It is important to understand the mechanisms of Massenbeinflussung . Have we, too shrill? Especially the tens of thousands of "young idealist" people who feel comfortable in the heat of the mass so that they keep the forest camps around Gorleben an experience. The subject is compliant the ideological corset the anti-nuclear movement, (the Easter marches, the anti-American demonstrations, the daily organizer Israelbyokotten) .
Have these people actually turn up a right over her nose the generation of their grandparents? Can they really look down on their heads held high the young people in the DPRK ? Feel superior to the uneducated Muslim mob ? Did they, or really smart 68iger their fathers take a right the descriptive language of a Philip Jenninger as an opportunity for him to chase out of the office?
I do not think so. In their Rituals, their devotion or devotion to a different ideology they not in the least. If all in the arrogance with which they pursue dissidents.
you should shut up!
us for the Arirang Mass Games 2010 attractive were history lesson and a really good entertainment.
Here's the best 200 photos of the Arirang Mass Games 2010 from 1 May-stadium in Pyongyang / DPRK
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