A travel diary
Wed Sept 29th, 2010 - Thurs Oct 7th, 2010
Written by Robin unruly
for www.rebellogblog.com / dev
The next morning, Wednesday the 06th October 2010, we were once again a good breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Since we still had some time we walked into the large and well-appointed stamp shop next to the hotel. It is likely that a normal Koreans never here, "runs". He probably will not get access times, and if so, he can not afford the prices in euros. However, if the Koreans can what it is to design beautiful stamps. Really attractive and beautiful stamp series. Now, once we hit, we, we never buy souvenirs. (What should we order? You about 4 years rumschleppen with us? We would need a container.) So does my daughter with animal shows, especially, of course, Panda Bear, the offspring of technology and transport, and we My wife and I buy, "political" brands. So Kim Il-sun in the flower field, Korean fighters, all that the designers for the glory the country is invaded. Also postcards we buy, not to send, no, as a reminder. One day, when there is no longer the DPRK, then they are a good reminder. I just hope that the following history of forgery and iconoclasts can least of all the mosaics are on the streets. They are such wonderful characters of an era.
letter Maken are lightweight and take up less space. THUS does our leaders take us to the station. For sure, we leave the country, as we have come by train. The group quickly tourists sit a long time ago back in the airplane. We have 24 hour drive ahead of us. We say goodbye to the driver, both of our lovely tour guides but wait until the train rolls. Provision. You are responsible for us. Perhaps it is indeed but one on the idea and wants to stay in the country unannounced.
Now a smooth ride. We sit and let the last day's events. And now that my journal writing, as we have experienced it and formulated so that we hurt our tour guides were not, so something on the "local voice", that detail the Korean language rules, I repeat the sentence from the Preface:
The trip was great, high density of events is enormous impressive contrast and it gives Nachdenkstoff for weeks. Thus, our journey into the trip was worth every penny.
When we come to the border, again it takes hours to all passengers and their luggage was checked. This time, however one looks closely at the cameras. After a first baggage screening uses a special camera control, a border officer with sufficient knowledge of English is next to me and asks me to scroll through all images. I do so only with the first camera, then with the second. She looks exactly. In principle, they are interested, as we for photographing military installations anyway no chance (and no Interested), but whether we humans have "unfavorable" photographed in work clothes or work poses. It has since had a bad experience. Since it takes for exactly 2 pictures that I willingly delete. We know little of digital technology and so I save up on these 2 pictures I got in a similar way again, all my 4170 photos. I have not done harm to the DPRK, but to have memories. Finally, a country also includes poor people in Egypt or Jordan, it looked much worse without it Fotografierprobleme exist. One can also called local color.
Then we get out of the DPRK and go into Beijing. An educational trip, the trip comes to an end.
However, there is now way back to our own language rules. All those who have expected of me that I am investing with the tour guides, will convince them of our system, I had to disappoint. All those who thought to write a horror report on the DPRK as well. It is not our intention to travel the world and to have cured other people in the German character. We are not reformers, at least not outside of Germany. I accept the DPRK as it is. It is not my country, it is not my political system. My wife is glad that it is no longer in Russia, such a system there, knowing that much is imperfect.
I repeat myself: My, respectively, our total rejection of communism, all forms of socialism is well known. We withdraw any collectivist hug and hate the left and their socialist cousins and softened their green cousins. We are making our life has always been self-sufficient, up individually in the hair roots and reject any guide, every care and mothering from each.
All the things we hate, hate from my heart, was in North Korea. The state keeps its citizens in bondage, he uses his resources are not, he has a stubborn leadership, which can be rather starve their people to renounce as political doctrines. It bends the history and prevent the public can obtain information freely. You pray to Kim Il-sun, ersatz religion, and there probably in the world no comparable personality cult. And so on and so on ... all known. If the epic again rolled wide wish to consume, look in our mass media, Der Spiegel and other organs. Which is also inherently lies, at least they use the freedom not accorded by our system. Mostly we write on each other. Opposing views are also swept away from us. The case Sarrazin is still in good memory.
So: If I have to excite me about the DPRK, it must cause I'm all injustices. If I do, too, especially if you want to sell us these systems are still as worthy of emulation and exemplary, as the left do, for example, with Cuba and Venezuela, and their "gifted" (socialist) leaders Castro and Chavez. And if I meets a Che Guevara T-shirt I think the support for an underexposed idiot. Here in China, Mao is revered, not knowing, or denial that he has millions on its conscience. The new Nobel Peace Prize here, no one knows, not he is interested in the bean. Do you think the 1.5 billion would have ever heard his name? Apart from a few Intellektruellen and students but no. So what?
I need my health will no Ulcer get and can not change the suffering of the world. And yet sometimes I get a stomach ulcer. Because I think of my own country. Because it really excites me. Since I could puke!
So back to the train. We are acquainted with the neighbors in other compartments: A Dutch woman who lived for years in China and worked for a telephone company. She speaks seven languages. Then a young couple, very lovely people, he attaché of a Western country, she works for an international shipping company. With the Dutch, we find common that German living in Germany, completely unresponsive for other thoughts. learned from a few people who have worn mental paths leave apart. But the people who live abroad and look into it to Germany or the Netherlands or Europe have very different positions. Are essentially sovereign. Escape the connotations and critical views of their governments and developments.
And now, after this great journey, but still, the absolute frustration. In the next compartment is also a professor of molecular biology at the Max Planck Institute in Munich. A very nice man, with which we, next door because he "lives" and often stands in the hallway, chatting a lot. We note that we have attended the same school that Rehberge Elementary School in Berlin Wedding, and I am amazed, even had the same teacher, Mrs. beer friend. But he is 5 years younger, so he came to the school as I had already left. And so a meeting in this part of the Welt.Schließlich we invite him to the bottle of ginseng liquor, which we have mitgenomen as provision. It is therefore in our compartment, we first talk about the DPRK and then to Germany. Now begins the frustration, we have e inen picture book left in the compartment. Very informative. Alexander, my son, ears, as big as salad bowls. He is silent and listens:
was the right thing with Sarrazin. Even dealing with him. There is nothing wrong. I have a turn, then you would need in future only be read blurbs. He sticks to it. Such assumptions may not be published. Aha! As the man had said: "I am for pluralism" Then we come to speak on social systems: They are good, yes, and people have a right to it. My argument that we grow so dependent is nothing to him. But he is enthusiastic about multiculturalism. He can go to his Turkish restaurant at the Munich train station and Turkish food and water pipe smoking. This, we argue, he could even without all the multicultural madness. were restaurants of other nations has always been available. But it goes on. He calls Israel an apartheid system, and since I had invited him, I swallow it, he would have invited me I would have stood and gone. And so it goes. With the election of Obama, he did not sleep all night, deserved the Nobel Prize.
It's been long since I left such a had with directly before. The typical German intellectuals: Nice, friendly, intelligent, probably technically competent, but political flair and totally stupid. Tragic! When he is gone, making my son's mouth: "You are like fire and water," he says. "Incompatible" For him it was unlikely interesting. For he has, because outside of Germany, lives in Israel was interested in politics, is also of comparison.
I am however not in anger that night to rest. Not about the DPRK and its paranoid leader, but left on this professor, who is so typical of what our, uh, going on in my country. The next morning I ask him if it could be a professor with my attitude in Germany. "Probably not," he says, "perhaps in molecular biology, but in no case in politics and social sciences!"
pluralism in D-lean impression.
spin Around 9 we have a clock in Beijing. And then we get lost, like all other travelers in the vast crowd. We are all just grains of sand, at least in the Mass. It is left to the individual what he makes of himself. If he has the chance. In North Korea he has it, our impression is not, not always.
Photos: © Copyright www.rebellogblog.com / Robin renitent 2010
- North Korea
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPRK
- A travel diary in pictures and text
- Wed Sept 29th, 2010 - Thurs Oct 7th, 2010
- Written by Robin Renitent
pdf-Download (64 MB)
- Nordkorea
- The Pyongyang Times
- Ausgabe 40, Saturday, October 2, Juche99 (2010)
- Pyongyang, DPRK
pdf download (1.7 MB)
Rebellog stuff DPRK
Photos: © Copyright www.rebellogblog.com / Robin renitent 2010
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