Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jewel De Nyle And Jenna Jameson

North Korea - Day 1 - Part 1

A travel diary
Wed Sept 29th, 2010 - Thurs Oct 7th, 2010
Written by Robin Renitent
for / dev

Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk
Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea

Reiseabschnitt Nordkorea im Rahmen einer vierjährigen World tour.

North Korea - Day 1 - Part 1

Friday 1 October 2010. We have breakfast in the restaurant, there is a buffet with plenty of saturating offer. About 9 clock we meet our companions in the lobby. We climb into our van and handed over our gift to the Men and the driver. Smoking has still hurt anyone, though, later - on the last day, one of the men assured me when I asked his preference for a Korean Korean cigarettes will still be accepted and our Chinese smoked.

We take a few minutes to a lavish place with white marble statues, beautiful women who, as I remember, meant to symbolize friendship. The weather is glorious, as in all the days that we are here in Korea. Since I know that one leaves nothing to chance in the DPRK, I would like to take this opportunity to the National Korean travel agency for more suitable, beautiful, mostly sunny and pleasant weather in terms of temperature thanks. Something is important, we would have the DPRK only gray rainy, overcast and experience would also be clouded our memories. Thus we see everything in a friendly light. The huge space is basically empty, just a flower seller offers white Crysanthemen. We buy a bunch, because we want to walk to Mansudea Grand Monument, where we were, the gigantic bronze statue of the great leader Kim Il-sung expected. Except We also happens to have a group of the British agency here, who also admired the pretty water system. Already here we focus attention, as small groups, with children and with our expansive lenses. We blithely shoot and open, as we will do so during the whole trip. After we looked around enough we walk with measured steps from that facility to the great monument. Our bus will follow us, unobtrusively so in the next few days, and keep at the right place to let us climb again.

While we see our approach to gently increase the final road to the monument I go to the giant 50m-60m long, made of red stone flags with giant reliefs of fighting Koreans, who are placed on either side of the statue, as workers from a clean lift from the plates. Nice when public assets are maintained as such. The head and the outstretched arm of Kim Il-sung's we have already seen, but few minutes later he stands in all its monumental size of us. At his feet, many bouquets of flowers are placed with white chrysanthemums. Before us, the group said the monument achieved. A Member shall also have chosen from a bouquet, this is mandatory, and each group do that, then they will stand in a row and bow, which is also required. I watch closely and see how not bow to some members of the group. That strikes me as grossly rude, both to Kim Il-sung, who, despite having died in 1994, is still eternal President, (a variant of worship which is unique in the world) and against the host nation Korea .

It's always the same: Those who are in the home voluntarily as climate dictates, ideologies or redistribution deliver a multicultural ideology, protest fill their tax return, do not protest against the fact that their taxes via the EU, are used to support terrorist groups (eg Hamas), have calculated here, protected by the group, resistance to a deserved point leaders. This has no consequences, but it reveals much about the brainwashing in our Western democracies.

Everything is still very relaxed. Now we turn. My wife shall, with staatstragendem and solemn expression, also the flowers down. She has since had experience, because she spent her youth in the Soviet Union. Then we ask ourselves, bow together with our two companions in a row on us and deep before the giant statue. Kim Il-sung is in a very sovereign attitude, his arm is stretched out and shows the direction to the Korean people, his face is benevolent clemency. Should be a leader, Lenin is in a similar pose as great Lenin's but I have not seen him in was just the base always so high. The Russians have, although Lenin still in many places, also sees many monuments removed, the statue is even a New Yorker High rise. This disrespektierliche handling is the historical figure is not appropriate.

Koreans worship Kim Il-sung. And without any ifs and buts. Never before have I seen so much devotion and so the respectful treatment. Lenin is hawked as kitsch Souvenierständen bust and flea markets, we printed T-shirts with him, Mao is seen on T-Shirt's, coffee mugs and playing cards. Incredibly, a particularly vile perfidy capitalist profiteers. Kim Il-sung, we will not find anything like that. We Germans are really at a disadvantage and may, although we reputation with moderate Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Miele to be the front runners come up, not with a similar statue and a similar devotion. The few monuments to Emperor Wilhelm disappear with the will of the green too. Hitler's mistake was, that he has created with all 55 States has declared war on bad breath and had been an egomaniac. Kim Il-sung was much wiser. He ultimately had only one enemy, the U.S. imperialists (they're not) and their South Korean puppets. So had all opposed to Hitler, and of course we have re-educated the German people. If he were not so stupid been, he would, according to German and German megalomania Perfektionswut, as at least 100m high statue at the Potsdamer Platz are. Let's look at more recent leaders around, it looks even sadder: Honecker had no size, was so negative, you would not even have to dig a hole about him to ignore. Obama has his Nobel Prize, already, what elevates him, especially when the German left, of any monument, and our office pants suit on a pedestal in bronze? Bronze is not much around the world, as we IM Erika would appreciate appropriate.

But back to the DPRK. We're pretty impressed, I'm going back some 20 meters to the statue to photograph properly, detailed photos are forbidden and so I need distance to Kim Il-sung properly scan to.

Now ask me a German-speaking participants in the other group as it is that we travel alone. The man has not properly informed. And how is it that we can have such large lenses. Tss, and those people drive to the DPRK. They would be better off on Bravo.

go Now we in a good mood that we did not leave during the trip, the Grand People's Study House, a building of fabulous size, monumental, staggering. Here is the largest national library housed while the building is the National Centre for the Study of the Juche ideology, which I come later. The building is an excellent example of socialist architecture can impress the people here gives mainly expanded and imaginatively with Korean architecture. Very nice.

expected at the entrance we already have a leader. So it will be for all tours in the coming days: Selected charming and enthusiastic young ladies will take over the respective guide and explain the relationships. But the ladies to look at is a pleasure to them, some even speak English, listen well. At this point, my thanks to the State Qur'anic travel agency. Without exception, all the ladies were chosen to be well, stay with us pleasant memories.

The library is equipped with INTR-A-NET, and we see students using computers for books . Search We follow the guide on endless corridors, the library will contain 30 million books and each book should be able to arrive in seconds with the reader. The 30 million books, we do not see, but to make us a joy brings us a lady at a rental station within seconds three German-language books from under the table. The surprise us after all. We look at the books of interest: A book from the Herder-Verlag, 1976 native deciduous and coniferous trees, a book of crochet and knitting patterns and a computer book on MS-DOS. Nice to see that It is in this library including foreign-language books.

organizes the whole is excellent. Our guide is always normal advance another employee who prepared our arrival. Next we see the collection of books that have received Kim Il-sung and Kim Yong-il paid by foreign governments and individuals. The collection comprises about 200 books. I remember a first edition of Don Quixote, a special pride of the collection. There follows a look into a Englischlekture, here is work hard. An electronic table shows the lessons in each classrooms at. The whole room is can be equipped with school desks that work surface tilted by a rotation mechanism to facilitate the work: In a room special highlights are presented. Kim Il-sung himself had this idea when he first visited the library and saw students work. His ideas were picked to be grateful and offered them the benefit of all students.

Now our guide gently opens a door: Gosh, we are touched, this is just a German lesson. We are complimented in the room. I still see the blackboard, are on the 6 to 7 words. At the word "independence" I remember me and the word "unconditionally". In principle, however, I kan find no relationship, either in grammatical terms, or as related topics. But before I can ask the students rush on us, separate informal and inundate us with questions. My daughter gets rather more general questions about name, age, origin, my son gets more school issues, my wife questions about our professions, and they ask me what does the word "independence". I try to answer the questions comprehensively, this must also words such as "insurance", incorporate "professional association" and "liberal professions", but this is not always understood in terms of content. So swings the question to our travel and tour operations. Then I tell them that we were 7 weeks in South Korea and have explored the country with a rental car. But the students have been well controlled, their demands are limited. Meanwhile, I have them to me, watched in spite of the flood issue, in more detail. They are no longer the youngest, their average age may from mid / late 20s and mid / late 30s are. Your clothes, I find something unstudentisch, all together is a well-groomed appearance. I see little books and booklets on the tables and I was really interested by the instructor or professor, the teaching method to get betrayed. Maybe I could benefit as a homeschool father finished it. But you can not have it all. It could also be that the students complete a second degree, and therefore a bit older. I am parting with good wishes and successful learning for the future.

Now comes another highlight. We visit the rest relaxation and leisure space in shared libraries. Here, Students recover their spirit. The room has tables to 30-40 per a tape recorder. The first is also switched on and it sounds like Beethoven. According to course just for us, usually you use headphones. On a Russian blog I read that they played Tchaikovsky for the visitors. I find this very carefully and it shows how know to appreciate the Koreans in the DPRK the guest. Incidentally, a student makes the peace offer. What he heard I do not know.

We are again very impressed, but now comes what I like, a view from the balcony. We see tens of thousands of people who practice to speaker instructions for the founding congress, which at 10.10. takes place. This is incredible how people can move with extraordinary precision to statements when they have enough time for practicing. And is practiced here during our entire stay late into the night. Here, from the balcony, it's the only time that I had the opportunity to photograph the event.

Then we climb the bus and drive back to the hotel for lunch.

Photos: © Copyright / Robin Renitent 2010


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