Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcome Note Destination Wedding

North Korea - Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPRK

A travel diary
Wed Sept 29th, 2010 - Thurs Oct 7th, 2010
Written by Robin Renitent
for / dev


Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk
Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea

Reiseabschnitt Nordkorea im Rahmen einer vierjährigen Weltreise.


Back in Beijing

North Korea. We are back again in Beijing. As we see our blog as a diary, each entry with Macro pool store web search, I will deliver for us and other interested parties, a very meticulous and honest report on their experiences and are here to Rebellogblog, published in several chapters. For those who are always bothered by their wives, those who have longer reading too burdensome or boring, and for the Conclusion of Pisa right here, that is the bottom line:

The trip was great, high-density event, extremely impressive, and contrasts it gives Nachdenkstoff for weeks. Thus, our journey into the trip was worth every penny.

Now it may be that you already have one or the other is on North Korea. You might expect a similar defästistischen report as it could already read quite often in the mainstream media. The you will not get from me. If you want to read something, click use the central organ for half-educated, the mirror, or similar nihilistic publications. You can pick up such a bad mood on numerous travel blogs.

I describe in detail and true our journey. I shall explain to contact only the foreword and the afterword critical of North Korea. In the itinerary itself, I will try the official North Korean view, as it was presented to us to play. And I'll also try the linguistic expressions and comments on use of our companions.

It is a matter of fairness, courtesy and respect for our hosts, give them their Decency, their commitment, motivation and commitment for us to not retaliate with a negative report. They do not deserve. We had the good fortune assigned two extremely charming, affable and decent tour guides from the National Korean travel agency to get. You, Mr Ri Kim and we express our great thanks.

Before you thought I was brainwashed suddenly been turned over or bribed, I can assure you: this is not the case. I have not given my critical spirit in the dressing room. And if you read my blog occasionally or more often, are You know my attitude. In addition, our positions in bonds listed on the right. Of the above-mentioned Pisa aside, I trust you with the intellectual capacity to make and from my description of a picture. They are also a man who can read between the lines and come to a self-judgment. Or?

So I will spend the next few nights so that my head stored in the diary of typing and placing it on the blog. In addition, we have made 4170 photos I sort and set in stuff also on our website, as usual, will. All photos were taken with This equipment made, and I have to question your right to come before our 200 mm and 400 mm lens used our very common.

But I also have family commitments, we are in Beijing and every day is a busy travel day for me, my wife and our children. I will not put myself under pressure. First I write the chapters and eventually I set the photos. But the last of the photos can.

If, after reading all the chapters still have questions, I am prepared to answer.

So on, follow us in the

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

North Korea - Preface

North Korea, why?

We make a four-year journey around the world, the countries are numerous, many are of particular interest, we have explored in detail South Korea already 7 weeks alone and individually, as always, that is why we now need just yet to North Korea?

My, respectively, our total rejection of communism, all forms of socialism is well known. We withdraw any collectivist hug and hate the left and their socialist cousins softened and their green cousins. We are making our life has always been self-sufficient, up individually in the hair roots and reject any guide, every care and every mothering. So, why do we want to go to North Korea?

Visiting North Korea has little masochistic when it is on the financial side looks: For the price of our trip we could have done a cruise or four times a vacation of 10 days in a cheap destination à la Hurghada. Now we give money, and quite a lot, but from spending 5 days in a country that is internationally condemned, and let also accompany us still at every turn of 2 state guide / guard. So, why the hell plays, of all North Korea?

Here are the answers. They reflect our assessment and adjustment prior to departure. We shall see in the epilogue, if we can get the views up or where we have changed it:

• My wife spent her childhood in the Soviet Union. It promises a journey into her childhood. As it is in the DPRK (Democratic his People's Republic of Korea (DPRK))?

• I lived in West Berlin, had dozens of times in the GDR and had used the corridors to West Germany countless times , - with all the hardships, all the trimmings, which demanded of the GDR or transit travelers entering the country. As we are in the DPRK?

• It could be that the DPRK, according to a health-related power changes (after Kim Jong-il), or collapsed in the wake of an enlarged and not unlikely international financial crisis. As most restrictive communist system throughout its own character, the DPRK is a rarity, going to the experienced history is perhaps a last chance to experience this country in this form, and this system in this configuration yet. Will it be as we imagine it?

• If you understand will work as a land of autocratic character, how the different realities extistieren side by side, like a state and party leadership controls the techniques of mass control, such as language rules and language veils are used to get to the DPRK not pass. Here is a living, existing museum, here it is possible today, 74 years after the Olympic Games in 1936 in Hitler's Germany, or 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet hegemonic, again to approach these realities and them, our self-selected educational mission as a training example, our Children get to experience close. Doing so one such as red or brown fascism works - better than from books, as illustrative of the left, indoctrinated and sometimes idiotic novice teachers taught and in any case in more concrete than verbal statements like "fight against law. " If we think the same way afterwards?

• If you wil raise children to be modest, one needs, besides a sound argument also good examples. The media inform us about the DPRK, but how accurate her portrayal. How children really live in the DPRK? It is unusual with children to North Korea to drive. We want our children to show how North Korean children live, bring our children to think about the advantages (or disadvantages) of their lives. Will we have a chance?

• In a country like Germany, where the non-possession of a flat TV already Discrimination as regards where even those unwilling to work are provided with sufficient resources, in a country where manual labor does not exist, everything is automated, other forms of life style and the work processes and dealing with poverty are hard to imagine. We want our children to show what poverty really means and what setting the standard of living can be obtained reasonably. Also what democratic "equality" means here and there, we shall see. Still recovering from the outcry over the Sarrazin'schen findings, we will look into the DPRK.

I will therefore write five chapters for have experienced every day of the way we, the North Korean reality. First of all: Our reality was wonderful. Since I am in the travel narrative to the events restrictive Also avoid judgmental comments, we will see in the epilogue, if our expectations confirmed or changed.

And one more thing first: The real disappointment, the real frustration was not in the DPRK. Which was a Begnung after departure, a meeting brought me to my sleep and made me angry so that any possible discrepancies are negligible in the DPRK against. Also, it would ich berichten.


Fotos: © Copyright / Robin Renitent 2010


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